How to issue a booking in CS:GO through the console

Сonsole CS:GO

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today we want to talk to you about armor in CS:GO, or rather, about the ways in which you can get it for free in this game. As you probably already understood, armor can be issued on your own server, when playing with bots or on workshop maps. To do this, we will introduce you to all the commands, and also give an example of a situation where you may need them.

how to issue armor in cs go

So, let’s start by looking at situations in which this can be useful to you. For example, you and a friend are training some lumbago or just visually checking the effectiveness of different types of weapons at different distances.

In such situations, you need 2 commands:



If you need to issue armor to one of your comrades, then here you can use the commands:

give item_vest – armor

give item_vesthelm

In addition, a command has recently appeared that allows you to give yourself or a friend as much as 200 units of armor. You can use this command when you record some funny video, or you can just troll your friends.

give item_heavyassaultsuit

issue armor in cs go through the console

Last but not least, you can use the commands shown below to give all players on the map a raunchy or helmeted armor.

mp_free_armor 1

mp_free_armor 2

This is the story, dear readers, and the situation with the issue of armor through the console in CS:GO. It is noteworthy that initially you will need to activate the sv_cheats command in order to activate the launch of console cheats, and therefore the issuance of armor, which belongs to this category.

On this note, we say goodbye to you, good luck to everyone and see you soon.

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