Changing the player’s speed after taking damage in CS:GO

Chips CS:GO

This system was introduced as part of the CS:GO Update 3/31/2015.

The term tagging (English tag – tag, label, tag; tag) is used to explain the decrease in the speed of a player after taking damage, when his acceleration and speed are limited by an amount determined by several factors.

In this manual, the name of the term tagging has been replaced / translated as Slowdown, because this word is more suitable in meaning than a literal translation.

Slowing down speed

The slow is only applicable to the player taking damage. Most often, a player takes damage from being hit by another player’s bullets. In what follows, we will call the player who inflicts damage (shoots) a Shooter, and the player who receives this damage (who is hit by bullets) as a Target.

The main Slowdown that the Target receives is determined by the weapon from which the Shooter is shooting, and the number of bullets that the Shooter hit in a row at this Target. The more powerful the Archer’s weapon and the more bullets he hit in a row, the more Slow the Target will receive.

To a much lesser extent, Slow is affected by the Target itself. When the Target takes damage, the Slow changes slightly depending on the weapon the Target is currently using. The more powerful (and therefore less mobile) the weapon uses the Target, the more Slow it will receive.


This system was introduced as part of the CS: GO Update 3/31/2015.

The term tagging (English tag – tag, label, tag; tag) is used to explain the decrease in the speed of a player after taking damage, when his acceleration and speed are limited by an amount determined by several factors.

In this manual, the name of the term tagging has been replaced / translated as Slowdown, because this word is more suitable in meaning than a literal translation.

Shooting in cs go

Slowing down speed

The slow is only applicable to the player taking damage. Most often, a player takes damage from being hit by another player’s bullets. In what follows, we will call the player who inflicts damage (shoots) a Shooter, and the player who receives this damage (who is hit by bullets) as a Target.

The main Slowdown that the Target receives is determined by the weapon from which the Shooter is shooting, and the number of bullets that the Shooter hit in a row at this Target. The more powerful the Archer’s weapon and the more bullets he hit in a row, the more Slow the Target will receive.

To a much lesser extent, Slow is affected by the Target itself. When the Target takes damage, the Slow changes slightly depending on the weapon the Target is currently using. The more powerful (and therefore less mobile) the weapon uses the Target, the more Slow it will receive.

Here are some examples of how the target’s speed will change after taking damage depending on the weapon used. Let’s say the Target moves with the Maximum Speed ​​for this weapon (100%) and the Shooter hits the Target, i.e. damages her. The Celis speed will slow down to the New Speed ​​value in the table below. This value shows the percentage of the speed at which the Target will move immediately after being hit, to the Maximum Speed.

Here are some examples of how the target’s speed will change after taking damage depending on the weapon used. Let’s say the Target moves with the Maximum Speed ​​for this weapon (100%) and the Shooter hits the Target, i.e. damages her. The Celis speed will slow down to the New Speed ​​value in the table below. This value shows the percentage of the speed at which the Target will move immediately after being hit, to the Maximum Speed.


The maximum speed with the M4A4 in hand is 225 y / s. If a terrorist from Bizon hits four bullets at once at a counter-terrorist who has an M4A4 in his hands, then the counter-terrorist’s New Speed ​​will be equal to 25% of the Maximum Speed, i.e. 225 * 25/100 = 56.25 S / s.

Speed ​​recovery

The deceleration does not last forever and the speed quickly recovers. Speed ​​recovery will only occur when the Target is not taking damage and is on a texture (ground, box, roof, etc.).

If the Target has slowed down and its New Speed ​​is equal to 20% of the Maximum Speed, then full movement recovery will occur in about 2 seconds. If the movement speed was reduced to 40%, then it will take one and a half seconds.

Practical examples

In the example below, a CT (counter-terrorist) with an M4A4 in hand is peering around a corner to see if any of the opponents are approaching. Consider two cases:

strafe in cs go

CT returns around the corner without taking any damage from opponents. It will take approximately 0.75 seconds to travel this distance at Maximum Speed.

speed in cs go

CT was hit by one bullet from an AK-47. The new Speed ​​will be equal to 31.9% of the Maximum Speed. Considering that speed will begin to recover immediately after being hit, the CT will need about twice as long. In other words, the CT will only be able to travel half of the required distance in the same 0.75 seconds.


Slowdown is the process of reducing the player’s speed after taking damage.
The shooter is the player who deals damage.
The target is the player who takes damage from the Gunslinger.
New Speed ​​- the player’s movement speed immediately after taking damage.
Maximum Speed ​​- the maximum possible speed of movement of a player with a certain weapon in his hands. For example, with the AK-47, this speed is 215 S / s.
s / s – map-units per second, a unit of measure for speed in the Soure Engine.

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